Nevada Rock Art | Geocaching | Historical Markers |
Located at the junction of U.S. Highway 395 and State Route 88 just north of Minden, Nevada. |
Carson Valley is the birthplace of Nevada. In 1850 a first settlement was made at Mormon Station, renamed Genoa in 1856. Here, in 1851, the first attempt to form a government was made. In 1861, Nevada's Territorial Government was established at Genoa. Over the old road skirting the west
bank of the Carson River thousands of immigrants moved southward
to cross the Sierra, feeding their livestock on grass cut along
the river. At Genoa, at Mottsville, settled in 1852; and at Sheridan,
settled by Moses Job about 1854, they stopped to enjoy produce
of the state's first gardens. Pony Express riders used this route
in 1860, switching in 1861 to the shorter Dagget Trail, now Kingsbury
Grade. |
Notes on this marker: The marker was moved when the intersection was rebuilt. Luckily, while driving by Lampe Park, I happened to spot this forgotten monument. |