Nevada Rock Art Geocaching Historical Markers

Historical Marker #77

Located at Snyder Avenue at the Stewart Cemetery, Carson City.


"Myriads of stars shine over the graves of our ancestors." Dat-So-La-Lee had seen some 95 winters, mostly in Carson Valley, when death came in 1925.

She was the last of those Washo weavers whose ancient art had been practiced by countless generations.

Gathering willow, fern, and birch with the aid of her husband, she wove into her masterpieces the legends of her people and their love of nature. Her baskets are unsurpassed for artistic conception and symbolic importance.

She is buried in the adjoining cemetery, yet her memories and her visions are so woven into her baskets that she will live on to remind us of the history and unique tribal artistry of her people.

Notes on this marker:

The easiest way to find this is to stop at the Stewart Indian School and look northeast for the flag pole.

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